24 de Enero del 2009(Sabado) p.m. 2:00〜5:00
Por un sistema que no sea de control sino de "Convivencia"!
−Concentracion Conjunta de ciudadanos extranjeros y japoneses en
contra de la reforma negativa de la ley de migraciones al sistema de
Tarjetas de Residencia−
┃ Programa ┃
1.Proyeccion del video: "Frente al MInisterio de Justicia 20 de nov. 2007"
2. Informe (1) Hacia donde va el control de los extranjeros: Hatate Akira(Comite Libre de DD. HH.)
3. Informe(2)Que es el "Registro del poblador" : Nishimura Tohru(Comite contra la red del registro basico del poblador)
4. Informe(3)Critica Absoluta a las tarjetas de estadia:Namba Mitsuru(Abogado)
5. Exposiciones en posta de ciudadanos extranjeros
6. Pronunciamientos en posta de las ONG:Watanabe Eishun(Representante de IJYUREN)/Tanaka Hiroshi(Prof. de la U de Ryuukoku) /Niwa Masao(Abogado)/Otros
7. Informe especial: Observaciones finales de la Comision de reglamentacion del derecho a la libertad, frete al informe No. 5 presentado por el Japon (Omagari Yukiko (IJUUREN)
8. Pronunciamiento especial:Red por los Derechos de los Aprendices Extranjeros
9. Aprobacion del "Pronunciamiento Conjunto en contra del sistema de tarjetas de estadia
┃ Organizacion ┃
▼Organizador: Comite Organizador de "No a la tarjeta de estadia"
(Convocantes:oordinadora por la ley de DD.HH. de los extranjeros
▼Fecha y hora: 2009年1月24日(土)Sabado 24 de Enero del 2009 2:00 a 5:00 pm
▼Lugar: YMCA AJIA SEISHONEN Center Hall subterraneo
(-Chiyodaku-Sarugakucho 2-5-5)
*A 6 minutos de la Estacion JRSuidobashi 、9 minutos de la estacion
Ochanomizu, A 7 minutos de la estacion JIMBOCHO del subterraneo
▼Costos de materia: 500円(Traduccion simulatanea en ingles)
◆在日韓国人問題研究所-Centro de Investigaciones de la problematica de
los residentes
coreanos en Japon-(RAIK) raik@abox5.so-net.ne.jp
◆移住労働者と連帯する全国ネットワークRed Nacional de Solidaridad con
los migrantes (IJYUREN)
03-5802-6033 fmwj@jca.apc.org
Lamentablemente no podremos alistar traductores al espanol para la concentracion del dia 24, pero, luego de algunos dias podemos hacer envio de la traduccion de las ponencias que se lleven a cabo en la concentracion. En caso deseara obtenerlas en espanol, favor de comunicarse a la Secretaria General de IJYUREN.
Public gathering against the government's new plan
to introduce "Zairyu Kaado (resident card)" system
We want a system for a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, but not for control!
Date: Saturday, 24 January 2009
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Venue: B1F, YMCA Asia Youth Center
2-5-5 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0064, Japan
JR Suidobashi sta. 6min, Ochanomizu sta. 9min, Subway Jimbocho sta 7min
Admission: 500 yen
Simultaneous translation service available (Japanese-English)
Organized by: NGO Committee against the introduction of "Zairyu Kaado (resident
card)" system.
For further information:
Research-Action Institute for The Koreans in Japan (RAIK)
TEL: 03-3203-7575 raik@abox5.so-net.ne.jp
Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan (SMJ)
TEL: 03-5802-6033 fmwj@jca.apc.org
1. A short documentary video on a public action in front of the Ministry of Justice
against a new fingerprinting system on 20 November 2007
2. Report 1 Framework of the new Immigration Control System
By Mr. Akira Hatate(Japan Civil Liberties Union: JCLU)
3. Report 2 Overview of the 'Jumin Touroku (Residents Registration
By Mr. Tohru Nishimura (HanJukinet Renrakukai)
4. Report 3 Problems and concerns over 'Zairyu Kaado (resident card)'
By Mr. Mitsu Nannba (Attorney)
5. Relay talk by foreign national citizens
6. Relay appeals by NGOs:
7. NGO joint statement against the "Zairyu Kaado (resident card)" system
The Ministry of Justice is currently pressing forward measures aiming at integrating personal information of foreign residents in Japan. A revised bill of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is expected to be discussed during the ordinary diet session in 2009 to abolish the current 'Gaikokujin Torokusho’ (alien registration card)' and introduce a new 'Zairyu Kaado’ (resident card), which will be issued directly from the Ministry of Justice.
However, we, NGOs are concerned that once a 'Zairyu Kaado' is introduced, control over foreigners would be more tightened. We particularly fear that foreign residents without VISA status such as overstayers would be excluded from the new resident registration system (“Gaikokujin Daicho Seido”) and lose access to most of public services including education and medical care. Thus the system would make these people socially invisible.
In this public gathering, we, NGOs and foreign national citizens, will discuss the framework of the bill (abolishing the 'Gaikokujin Torokusho'and introducing a 'Zairyu Kaado') and the issues that might occur when the new system is introduced. We will also propose a new system toward a true Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Cultural Society in Japan.
数百人のアラブ系イスラエル市民が、Zedaaka organizationとJaffa listの呼びかけを受けてYephet通りに集った。そこにユダヤ人抗議者たち、たとえばGush Shalom、Anarchist Against the Wall、the Women's Coalition for Peaceなどの活動家たちが合流した。アラブ人デモ参加者は、特にアラブ諸国の指導者に対して、イスラエルによるガザでの虐殺に協力しているとして怒りを向けていた。そのスローガンの一つは、「(エジプトの)ムバラクはアメリカ合衆国とイスラエルのエージェントだ」というものだった。
Public gathering against the government's new plan
to introduce "Zairyu Kaado (resident card)" system
We want a system for a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, but not for control!
Date: Saturday, 24 January 2009
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Venue: B1F, YMCA Asia Youth Center
2-5-5 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0064, Japan
JR Suidobashi sta. 6min, Ochanomizu sta. 9min, Subway Jimbocho sta 7min
Admission: 500 yen
Simultaneous translation service available (Japanese-English)
Organized by: NGO Committee against the introduction of "Zairyu Kaado (resident
card)" system.
For further information:
Research-Action Institute for The Koreans in Japan (RAIK)
TEL: 03-3203-7575 raik@abox5.so-net.ne.jp
Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan (SMJ)
TEL: 03-5802-6033 fmwj@jca.apc.org
1. A short documentary video on a public action in front of the Ministry of Justice
against a new fingerprinting system on 20 November 2007
2. Report 1 Framework of the new Immigration Control System
By Mr. Akira Hatate(Japan Civil Liberties Union: JCLU)
3. Report 2 Overview of the 'Jumin Touroku (Residents Registration
By Mr. Tohru Nishimura (HanJukinet Renrakukai)
4. Report 3 Problems and concerns over 'Zairyu Kaado (resident card)'
By Mr. Mitsu Nannba (Attorney)
5. Relay talk by foreign national citizens
6. Relay appeals by NGOs:
7. NGO joint statement against the "Zairyu Kaado (resident card)" system
The Ministry of Justice is currently pressing forward measures aiming at integrating personal information of foreign residents in Japan. A revised bill of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is expected to be discussed during the ordinary diet session in 2009 to abolish the current 'Gaikokujin Torokusho’ (alien registration card)' and introduce a new 'Zairyu Kaado’ (resident card), which will be issued directly from the Ministry of Justice.
However, we, NGOs are concerned that once a 'Zairyu Kaado' is introduced, control over foreigners would be more tightened. We particularly fear that foreign residents without VISA status such as overstayers would be excluded from the new resident registration system (“Gaikokujin Daicho Seido”) and lose access to most of public services including education and medical care. Thus the system would make these people socially invisible.
In this public gathering, we, NGOs and foreign national citizens, will discuss the framework of the bill (abolishing the 'Gaikokujin Torokusho'and introducing a 'Zairyu Kaado') and the issues that might occur when the new system is introduced. We will also propose a new system toward a true Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Cultural Society in Japan.